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Fitted nappies with covers

Höschenwindel + Schlupfüberhose ergibt ruhigen Babyschlaf
Höschenwindel + Schlupfüberhose ergibt ruhigen Babyschlaf

Fitted nappies look very similar to Pockets (pocket nappies) and AIOs, but they do not have a waterproof outer layer. Instead, the entire nappy is made of absorbent material and must be worn with a waterproof overpant like PUL cover or wool cover. Their advantage is that the nappy and covers together make an extremely tight and absorbent system that stays tight for up to 12 hours - ideal for overnight.

They also contain a high percentage of natural fibres (bamboo, cotton or hemp), so fitted nappies are preferred by parents who don't want synthetic fibres on their children's skin.

Because they are often a little thicker than pockets and AIOs (so they don't always fit as well under pants), fitted nappies are mainly used at night and at home.

Fitted nappies are the slowest to dry of all the Clothys because they are made of several layers of absorbent material sewn together.

Since most fitted nappies and covers/overpants are very similar in construction, we'll show you how they work here with an example. Almost all other brands and models work in exactly the same way.

Petit Lulu fitted nappy with Petit Lulu pull-up cover

1. you need a Petit Lulu fitted nappy and a matching Petit Lulu pull-up cover. Petit Lulu's amazing 'Fluffy Organic' fitted nappy is not only beautiful and super soft, it's also extremely absorbent and handmade in the Czech Republic. The waterproof Petit Lulu pull-up cover has soft fleece cuffs on the tummy and legs, which help to avoid annoying marks on baby's skin.

Petit Lulu Höschenwindel Newborn mit Pandas
Petit Lulu Schlupfüberhose blaue Elefanten mit grünen Fleecebündchen

2. The fitted nappy consists of a colourful cotton exterior with a spandex content and an interior made of organic cotton and bamboo fibres. For more absorbency, each Petit Lulu comes with a long button-in absorbent pad. The 'Fluffy Organic' range is almost polyester free, making it ideal for babies prone to contact allergies and eczema. The cute ruffle design on the legs of the cloth nappy is completely free from hard or rough elements, so they don't leave marks on baby's skin. You can put the nappy liner on top of the nappy (to catch the big business). Then you can put it on your baby just like a normal nappy.

offene Höschenwindel mit einknöpfbarer Einlage

3. Then comes the waterproof Petit Lulu pull-up cover. The pull-up cover are available in different sizes as they do not grow with the baby.


4. If the nappy is to be worn overnight, we recommend using a dry fleece/nappy fleece instead of the nappy liner. This keeps the bottom drier.

TotsBots Bamboozle fitted nappy with Disana Knitted Wool covers

1. You need a TotsBots Bamboozle fitted nappy with a Disana knitted wool cover. This fitted nappy is made with great attention to detail in Scotland, all fabrics used are made in an environmentally friendly way. The bamboo viscose is also Oeko-Tex certified and comes from a closed production cycle where the water and chemicals used are recycled to ensure sustainability. The knitted wool covers by Disana are a wonderful and reliable overpants for fitted nappies and night nappies. Wool is a great alternative for all parents who want an all-natural option for their children. It is very breathable and regulates the temperature in a natural way.

Tots Bots Bamboozle Höschenwindel gelb mit Enten
Disana Schlupfüberhose Wolle rosé

2. Inside and out, the Bamboozle fitted nappy is made of luxurious, silky soft and extremely absorbent fabric, with an invisible Minky absorbent core. An additional absorbent pad can be buttoned inside. All in all, this is an extremely absorbent nappy that can be worn as a night nappy. You can put the nappy liner or dry fleece on top of the nappy (to catch the big business). Then you can put it on your baby like a normal nappy.

offene Totsbots Höschenwindel mit eingeknöpfter Einlage im Entchenmuster
offene Totsbots Höschenwindel daneben passende einknöpfbare Einlage

3. Then comes the Disana knitted wool covers. Like all wool overpants, the Disana wool covers must be lanolised with wool grease to make them waterproof. We recommend using pure wool wax (adeps lanae anhydricus). Here you can find our instructions for greasing wool overpants. Please note that knitted covers, in contrast to carded ones, need some time to become reliably waterproof. Therefore, they should only be used for shorter wrapping intervals in the beginning.

Here is a detailed video on the subject (12:20):

Read more about other cloth nappy systems:

All-In-Ones (AIOs)

Snap-In-Ones (SIO)


Prefolds with covers/overpants

