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What are cloth diapers?

Pleasantly soft, breathable, and above all... free of unnecessary chemicals. The cloth diaper is currently experiencing a great revival. More and more parents are choosing this environmentally friendly and beautiful alternative to the disposable diaper.

The new designs of cloth diaper are very easy to handle. No complicating folding, no safety pins and certainly no boiling out of the diapers are necessary. The poop is collected by the diaper fleece and disposed of separately, and a lot of waste is avoided.

Why cloth diapers?



Cloth diapers are active environmental protection! For the nappy-changing time of a child, about 1000kg of waste can be saved.

gruene Gedscheine mit Euro-Symbol


With cloth diapers you save several hundred euros compared to disposable diapers. In addition, the cloth diapers will last for years thank for the front snaps, which you can use to adjust the size to fit your baby.

Babygesicht comic


Cloth diapers are breathable and contain no unnecessary ingredients, so it is very unlikely that babies will have an allergic reaction.

Cloth diapers or disposable diapers?

bunte Stoffwindeln liegen im Kreis angeorndet

Cloth diapers for three years

30 pieces = minimal waste

Natural substances are biodegradable

Minimal industrial production

Disposable diapers for one week

6,000 pieces = About 1,000 kg of waste per child

Not biodegradable

Continuous industrial production

Saving with cloth diapers

Stoffwindeln im Wäschekorb neben Stapel mit Geldscheinen

Cloth Nappies package

350 - 1000 Euro

Plus costs for water, electricity and detergent

Well-cared cloth diapers are reusable for the next child

Many cities offer financial support for cloth diapers

Here you can learn more about how much you can save with cloth diapers.

Disposable diapers

900 - 1500 Euro

Plus costs for waste disposal and trips to the store

Not reusable

No financial support known


Schaf neben Baumwollblüten

Cloth nappies & environment

Made of natural materials

cotton, bamboo, wool, hemp, polyester

The fabrics are often dyed, therefore pre-wash

Cause less often allergic reactions

Schornsteine mit Rauch und Reagenzglas mit Flüßigkeit

Disposable nappies

From petrochemical products

Polyethylene, polypropylene, cellulose material enriched with polymer salts and others

Often provided with dyes and a lotion

Frequently cause allergic reactions

How do cloth nappies work?

No matter which system or model you choose, it should fulfill three tasks:

1. Catching the big business
2. Absorbing the small business
3. Preventing leaking

Herz auf Papier

The big business

Paper fleece or dry fleece is placed as the top layer in the diaper to catch and easily remove the big business.

Fleece is made of purely vegetable, completely biodegradable materials and is usually available on rolls. Fleece with poop is disposed of in the toilet/trash garbage can. Fleece only with pee can be washed in the washing machine and reused 3-4 more times (depending on brand).

FDry fleece consists of polyester and is the washable alternative to paper fleece. After use, dispose of the poop in the toilet and wash the fleece in the washing machine. Especially recommended for the night (longer changing intervals) to keep the child's skin dry.

Before the start of feeding the breastfeeding poop is soft, liquid and water soluble, the fleece can be washed together with the breastfeeding poop in the washing machine.

Tropfen fallen auf Stoff, Bekleidung, Hut, Türkis, Leben im Meer, Hai


Absorbent pads/inserts are made of microfiber, cotton, bamboo or hemp. They differ in capacity and speed of absorption.

Absorbent pads last for 4-6 hours.

Diapers for the night, so called fitted diapers, can hold up throughout the night because they are made of absorbent material (more sleep for you yeah!). To make it waterproof you need a covers.

Waterproof and breathable

The waterproof part of the Stoffys is coated with polyurethane (PUL), a breathable material that ensures that the moisture remains in the diaper. Unlike the plastic in disposable diapers, PUL is breathable and therefore more comfortable for the baby's bottom.

As an alternative to PUL, a greased wool covers can be used as a waterproof layer.

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