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7 great reasons to use cloth nappies

We love cloth...
Especially when it comes to wrapping up small baby bottoms with it - here are our seven good reasons for cloth diapers.
After reading this overview, you'll probably think differently about what you want to use to wrap your baby up in twenty-four hours each day, during the first two and a half years of their life.

1. Only the best for your child

Cloth diapers are soft, comfortable, breathable, and most importantly free from unnecessary chemicals! Cloth nappies are much healthier than their disposable counterparts. They are made of naturally cuddly materials that are gentle to the skin and, unlike disposable diapers, are much less likely to cause allergic reactions.
Our diapers contain hypoallergenic cotton, bamboo viscose or hemp; so they are perfect for baby's delicate skin. They are ideal for children who are sensitive to the chemicals in disposable diapers. The results speak for themselves: many mothers report that their babies diapered with cloth nappies almost never suffer from rashes.
Most modern cloth diapers have a very thin, breathable and leakproof outer layer made from laminated polyester (PUL). Since this layer is on the outer shell of the nappy, it barely touches your baby. If you really want to do without plastic, wool overpants are the right choice for you.
Important for all parents who want only the most natural materials and best for their baby: cloth diapers contain no unnecessary chemicals and superabsorbents, which are in many disposable diapers.

Baby mit Stoffwindel mit Lamamuster liegt auf Bauch

2. Save hundreds of euros

Spending between €750 and €1500 on disposable diapers is money thrown out of the window. With cloth diapers you save a lot of cash in the long run! In addition, the diapers can be reused for other children. Your bank account will love you!

Diapers are the biggest running cost factor as the baby grows up. Based on the current prices of 2018, German parents spend between €750 and €1500 to diaper a child for the first two and a half years. It is also not uncommon for a child to wear nappies for three to four years. That, of course, increases the total accordingly.
In comparison, a complete set of cloth nappies for your first child costs only between €euro350 and €euro600. And they grow with your child! Your little one only needs one size of diapers until they are potty trained. With a second child, of course, you would save even more, since you already have the diapers at hand!
Buying environmentally friendly, green products often means paying extra for high prices - at least more than the average consumer. But cloth diapers are sustainable products that will ultimately help you save hundreds of euros!
If you want to know how much you can save, check our page about cost savings.

Kleinkind liegt auf Bauch traegt avo+cado Stoffwindel

3. For the sake of the environment

Avoid over 1000 kilograms of garbage per child. Reusable diapers help protect the environment!
The numbers are clear. No matter how you look at it, disposable diapers are a HUGE burden on the environment.
An average baby needs about 4500 diapers before it is potty trained. That's about 1000 kilos of garbage that can not be recycled (not counting the contents of the diaper)! Diapers often account for more than 50% of household waste of a family with one child.
And how long does waste remain on the dump? Nobody knows how long it takes for a disposable diaper to decompose naturally, but scientists estimate that it takes at least 500 years - an incredibly long time, during which the substances contained in it are slowly released into the environment.
But that's not all. All numbers mentioned so far only describe the end of the life cycle of a diaper. But what about the environmental impact of manufacturing, packaging and transport?
The production requires raw materials like cotton, water, cellulose, plastic, oil and often a lot of chemicals. The natural resources needed to produce 4500 diapers for a single child add up to tons of raw material, all for a product that is worn only once - for a few hours!
Compare this to the production of 20 recyclable cloth diapers that can be worn HUNDREDS OF TIMES.
If we also take the plastic packaging in which the diapers are sold in into account (on average 36 pieces per pack), then we also end up with 125 plastic bags that will most likely never be used again.
Cloth diapers not only produce virtually no waste, they also save natural resources. The raw materials necessary for the production of the 20 or so cloth nappies your baby will need are diminishingly small in comparison to what otherwise would end up in the garbage anyway.
Proponents of disposable diapers sometimes claim that the environmental impact of cloth nappies is about the same because they need to be washed and disposable diapers can even supposedly "save water".
The truth is that washing cloth nappies even two to three times a week for two and a half years still consumes LESS water than producing 4500 diapers. The water consumption of industrial production is not to be underestimated.
Just one example: a wash cycle with a modern washing machine cosnumes between 68 and 102 liters of water. In total, that's between 26,520 and 39,780 liters over the entire period of two and a half years when washing three times a week. In comparison, the industrial production of disposable diapers would consume 55,000 liters of water for one child *.
Disposable diapers consume so much more water than cloth nappies - and on top of that, they aren't even recycable.
*Source: Association of the Austrian Paper Industry - Environmental Report

7 gute Gründe für Stoffwindeln - bequem

4. Hygiene

Faeces belong in the toilet where they can be properly disposed of, not in the bin and on the garbage dump!

Cloth diapers are more hygienic because the excrement can be easily removed from the nappy together with the compostable nappy liners and then disposed of separately. The wastewater treatment plant is the right place to dispose of faeces correctly.

And yet: Millions of people worldwide do not care about it and throw the full diapers in the trash. There the faeces and urine remain, tightly wrapped in a non-organically degradable shell. If these packages then land on a dump that isn't properly sealed, they can also contribute to the pollution of the groundwater. In the waste incineration plant they contribute to more and more highly toxic slag, which must be stored like special waste.

Not to mention that the smell of dirty diapers in the trash isn't exactly pleasant...

With cloth nappies, most of the fecal matter ends up where it belongs - in the toilet. This works well thanks to the biodegradable diaper fleece (like firm, but soft toilet paper). The washing machine then takes care of the rest.

Babypo mit Pop-In Stoffwindel Tiger

5. Help with potty training

Children diapered with cloth nappies are, on average, potty-trained six months earlier - between two and two and a half years. Children using disposable diapers often reach this stage only at the age of three or even later.
Have you ever wondered why there are diapers in size 6, for children up to 30 kilos? These diapers fit eight-year-olds. It is a worrisome fact that the ages in which children become potty-trained have increased since the advent of disposable diapers in the 1960s!
In 1957, in the US, the average age at which children became potty-trained was two years. In 2002, 45 years later, parents reported that the average had moved up to three years of age.
Today it is not uncommon for children under the age of three or four to wear diapers in kindergarten, while accidents during the night are still considered normal among five to six year olds *.
Where does this development stem from? One major reason is found in the highly absorbent chemicals in modern disposable diapers. The diaper feels dry for a very long time and the child feels no moisture. As a result, children can easily ignore their excretions. Many toddlers do not notice at all when they've defecated.
In the case of cloth diapers, the child will notice when the diaper has reached its maximum absorbent capacity. The cloth nappy gets moister and soon your baby will call for a fresh diaper. This leads to an earlier awareness of the excretory functions. On average, cloth diaper kids are potty-trained at two and a half years.

Babys mit Rumparooz Stoffwindeln sitzen sich gegenüber

6. Easy and convenient

No complicated folding! Also, you do not need safety pins like our parents and grandparents used. Utilizing practical Velcro or adjustable snaps, modern cloth nappies are in no way inferior to dispossable diapers!
To use cloth nappies you do not need origami folding skills nor safety pins. Modern cloth diapers are quite different than their antecedents which you may remember. They have a very sleek design and are shaped like disposable diapers, and they are just as easy to handle. If you already have experience with disposable diapers, you will get used to it very quickly.
Most parents say that cloth diapers don't require much extra effort once you get used to the routine.
In the past, many mothers dreaded leaving home with a toddler. Handling leaky or stinking diapers in the most inappropriate places is no fun. No wonder that disposable diapers were such a big success. Modern mothers using the new high-performance cloth diapers have no reason to worry. Using cloth nappies on the go is a breeze!
Cloth diapers are also handy for babysitters, day-care centers or grandparents, as they are just as easy to handle as disposable diapers. The nappy liner catches "the big business" and is simply disposed of in the toilet. The used diaper is folded and placed in a wet bag. Wet bags are special waterproof bags that hold smell and moisture.
A special feature of cloth diapers is their ability to grow with the child. Many models come in one size only, and they fit from the age of 2-4 months until the child is potty-trained. They can be used with children that weigh approximately 3 to 16 kilograms. Using a series of snaps, the diaper is simply adjusted to the right size when needed. Thus, the Stoffy grows with your child, and you don't need to buy new, matching diapers time and time again. For newborns there are special newborn nappies..

Kleinkinder in Stoffwindeln auf Treppe

7. Fun and cute

Not only do cloth diapers work well, they also look totally adorable! As with normal clothing, you can choose exactly what you like from a variety of different colors and designs. If you like beautiful fabrics and enjoy dressing up your child, then you'll love cloth diapers!
Choose from a variety of different colors to customize the diapers according to the rest of your child's outfit, your mood or the time of year. How about a colorful pattern? There are cute models with flowers, birds and fruits for girls. Or playful patterns for the boys: planets, rockets, animals ... And during summer, it's enough to simply combine the cloth nappies with a matching T-shirt - dressing up can be that easy!

Curious? Continue reading here if you would like to learn more about cloth nappies.
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